feral wild girl child
feral wild girl child
After working for 3 years as a visual artist in a pediatric oncology unit I made this performance as an elaborate ritual to process that experience.
This was my first alter ego: and I channeled the sassy and provocative personalities of the children I met in the hospital to find my own feral child self.
“feral wild girl child” combined dance, karaoke, autobiography, and a giant mural I painted on the wall using my whole body. My goal for the show was surprise. I wanted to see how many times I could genuinely surprise the audience. I hid giant paper mache sculptures above the drop down ceiling. I hung cupcakes out of the window.
I made a mess. One of my guiding questions throughout the process of developing the show was: what would I do if I could give the children exactly what they wanted without limitation? One of the answers was: a studio in which to make a giant indulgent mess.
Created through the Little Fires Festival of Helen Hale and Maggie Ginestra, the No Theme Festival of Ana-Miren San Millan, and through the god-send funding of an Independence grant in 2018. Artistic mentors included: devynn emory, Maiko Matsushima and Adrienne Truscott.