“Sharing intimate stories with complete strangers is an unexpected pure joy. An incredibly supportive environment to dust off the skill of creative writing. Magda is the sun, the moon and the stars for creating this movement.” Lindsey
“Magda, this workshop has been so precious to me. I am so thankful for your work and your enthusiastic mind.” Julia
“The class with Magda helped me connect to my writing craft but also reignited a desire to dance and make art in general. It feels like I made a bunch of new friends but have somehow known them my whole life. I hope to get these prompts in a book one day because I would like to write on them over and over until I die.” Chelsea
“A lovely thing you can do for yourself. Magda will help you gather up little life moments into golden scrolls of stories of bizarrely intimate, inane, and important details from your past. And they will gleam golden in your hands and in your room and in your computer and in your journal. Then everything will be golden and your plants will grow 3 times their size, like the Grinch's heart did that one day. Magda is life, life is Magda.” Lena
“I remembered that I just love personal storytelling. I used to love going to live Moth story slams in New York. This class scratched that same itch, but now I got to get up and share a story. Telling a Moth story is something I’ve always wanted to do, but I usually don’t feel like I have something to tell. So the writing and then reading worked really well for me. I liked the immediacy of timed writing. As an improviser this worked for me. It created a safe space and incentivized generous sharing and generous listening.” Sarah
“This class has been such a special re-introduction to writing creatively, and a new experiment in writing truthfully, that I really needed at this moment in time! In 2021 I'm hoping to bring more of the energy that this class had into my life—more gentleness, more reflection, more creative community, and more empathy for the strange and startling moments that punctuate our weird little lived experiences.” Maggie
“Magda's workshops have been an overwhelmingly positive experience for me. Magda is an amazing prompt writer and has an eye for picking out the most poignant, powerful, funny details in your writing. A needed kind of warmth and intimacy, even through the computer screen.” Heather
“Magda is a prompt-magician. Her prompts nestle you in a kind of poetic, empathetic space before you even start writing. You will realize that your life is more interesting than you thought it was.” Maddie
“Has been such a gift for me. Once a week, I know I will get space to reflect and think and write with very low stakes and very valuable outcomes. My writing style has started to become clearer to me and I’ve learned so much from my fellow artists. It is a simple and accessible way to feel nourished again. To feel “creative” again.” Rebecca
“I am so grateful that I got to join one of Magda's writing classes! Any nervousness I had was immediately soothed by Magda's purposeful and supportive approach. The prompts provided the little push needed to start delving into the raw material of my own experiences. It was so illuminating to listen to others read their writing, and the discussions afterward always propelled my own ideas. It felt so rejuvenating to get creative with a group of new people during this long quarantine.” Devon
“Magda's prompts go deep and her students are inspiring and supportive. I walked away from every class feeling so full and so much lighter. Participating in Magda's class has been the most productive and good work I've done during this pandemic so far. I'm excited for the next class to start.” Nicole
“Thank you again for the wonderful workshop. It felt so good and needed to carve through my past self. I was taken aback to relocate memories and meaning in things that were buried or almost forgotten, like the bus route crush or the way my creek felt, and it was so warming to feel those things again. I hope to keep writing and would love to to join in your monthly workshops! Also hope we can cross paths outside of the digital square soon.” Gwen
“What an amazing workshop. During the first meeting Magda told us that our writing exercises would help us make bouillon cubes that we can later use to make soup: we can make condensed stories that can be unfolded and grown. At the end of the workshop, I have several of those bouillon cubes and a list of new topics to explore. Such an inspiring and encouraging experience!” Anastasia